Logo + Usage
Preferred usage of the logo is full color. Accepted backgrounds for the full-color logo application are white, light colors, and subtle patterns. Logos in 1-color can be applied to imprinted promotional items. Primary Blue is preferred. Optionally, Dark Gray or White (reverse) may be used in 1-color. Backgrounds with tone-on-tone photography should display a White (reverse) logo for optimum legibility.
Incorrect Logo Usage
To maintain consistency throughout the ELF identity, it is essential that the brandmark is never altered in any way. Altering or distorting the logo weakens the power of the brand and what it represents.
- Do not personalize the logo
- Do not change the orientation of the logo
- Do not change the colors of the logo
- Do not stretch or squeeze the logo
- Do not outline the logo
- Do not alter the lettering in the logo
- Do not add drop shadows to the logo
- Do not add graphics to the logo
- Hold the “shift” key down when scaling logos to maintain the proper proportions of the logo file.